Thursday 11 October 2012

Big Hair and Orange Lips

Hey Ladies,

I went out with my good friend Steph last Friday night and decided to show you some pictures of us.  I LOVED my hair and makeup that night, was so happy with how I looked.  I wore MAC Morange on my lips and a brown smoky eye.  I used the curling wand in my hair and backcombed the hell out of it.

Steph is convinced I look like the designer Rachel Zoe in this picture!  I don't see it?!


Tuesday 9 October 2012

Debs Makeup

Hey ladies,

I was out doing makeup for a girl Debs yesterday and thought I'd put the pictures up to show you guys.    I also did her hair for her too.  Hope you like it.

Sorry about the quality of the photos, they were taken on my Blackberry.


Tuesday 2 October 2012


Hey ladies (gents),

Hope you're all well.  I've been looking at different makeup artists on makeup counters recently for inspiration and the artists that always seem to stick in my head are the M.A.C girls.  I mean who doesn't want to look as amazing as them?  I'm aware that the amount of makeup they wear doesn't suit everyones taste but I just adore how they look so glamorous all the time.  I decided to do a makeup look that isn't very wearable for every girl but sure I can use the excuse "I'm a makeup artist, I can get away with it".  With a look like this you just need to be confident and you'll pull it off.

Products used:
M.A.C Studio Sculpt Foundation - NC15
M.A.C Studio Fix Powder - NW15
Urban Decay Eyeshadow as contour - Buck

M.A.C Paint Pot - Painterly
M.A.C Eyeshadow all over lid - Carbon
Inglot Eyeshadow blended into socket and under the eye (purple -  not sure of shade)
BarryM Liquid Eyeliner - Black
Catrice Cosmetics Glamour Doll Volume Mascara - Black
Estee Lauder Eyeshadow in eyebrows - 38 chocolate

M.A.C Lipstick - Rebel (Satin Finish)

What do you guys think?  Hope you like it!!


Thursday 27 September 2012

Lying Eyes

I don't really know how to start this blog post as it's been so long since I've written anything here or even felt like I've wanted to write.  I'm finally back but I'd be lying if I said I was better than ever.  I always wanted this blog to be something that I enjoyed doing and was passionate about and when I stopped loving it I decided to stop writing.  I never wanted to blog just for the sake of it or so people would like me, I wanted to do it because it was for me.

This past year and a half has been one of the toughest times I've ever gone through and I've struggled with a lot.  I lost my Nana and Granda within just over a year of each other and although when both passed away I tried not to let it get to me it affected me in my own way.  Most of my family openly cried and mourned for both of them but I didn't, I tried to act like I was stronger than that and it didn't bother me.  'They were old and it was their time to go' I kept telling myself, 'we weren't as close as we used to be', but when I really think about them I think about how much I miss them.  I regret not spending more time with them as they got sick but I just didn't want to be around that.  Looking back at old photos and memories of them I realise how truly special they were and how important of a role they played in my life.  I have so many ridiculous jokes from Granda and little sayings from Nana.  I really just hope they understood how much they meant to me and how much the memories will always mean to me.

Another thing I went through was dropping out of college (which I mentioned in a previous post), it was a really tough decision to make and still I wonder was it the right one.  I know that if I had have stayed in the course I could have come out with a degree in the end but I also would have made myself even more miserable than I already was.  I had so many friends in college and enjoyed being involved in the Students Union but they were not reasons for me to stay in a course that I hated so much.  After dropping out of college I started a full time makeup course pretty much straight away so it was very difficult adjusting to a new way of life, new people and a new way of learning.  I have always been passionate about makeup and still remember some of the crazy kiddies makeup my parents bought me when I was younger.  I had a set from Argos and my sister Lesley and I would always play with it, making ourselves look like drag queens.  One of the worst mistakes we ever made was blue mascara!!  I was lucky enough to have a big sister who helped me grow up and discover all the girly things that I love so much now.

After finishing the makeup course I recieved an ITEC Fashion, Theatre and Media Makeup Diploma.  I thought it would be so easy to go out and find a job but I had no confidence in myself or my work.  I knew that I was good at what I did but I didn't know if other people would think the same thing so I didn't go out looking for a job.  I work in a milkshake shop at the moment and don't get me wrong, it is great to have a job and be able to fend for myself but I thought that I'd be working in something that I was qualified in.  Eventually I started looking for jobs on makeup counters and in salons but the answer was always 'no'.  This knocked my confidence even more and now when people ask me what I'm doing with myself I feel ashamed to tell them.  I now realise I should NOT feel ashamed, I have a job and I'm still looking for a new one and that is all that matters.  I have to boost my confidence and believe in myself just like I know my parents and sister do.

I'm glad to have gotten all that off my chest and now the only thing to do is look up and be confident.  Easier said than done but I'm going to work my little ass off now and get a new job and be the happy person I want to be.



Wednesday 14 March 2012

Miss VanityX (Miss Ireland 2012)

Hey loves,

I'm studying my makeup course in an academy called VanityX, in Swords in Dublin.  My lovely friend Steph entered me into a competition to become Miss VanityX.  If I win it I would get to be the face of my college for the year and I would be entered into the Miss Ireland Competition.  I'm not normally interested in this kind of thing but it's actually kind of exciting.  Would love if you'd follow the links bellow and 'like' my pictures to help me get picked to be in the final. and 

Sorry about the cheek of this post.


Tuesday 28 February 2012

Red Wine

Hey loves,

I'm sorry my posts aren't a bit more interesting but my life is quite boring right now.  Things are quite tough for me at the moment, I'm exhausted from work and college, I'm stressing out and I'm feeling really anxious about finding a job when I leave my course.  I know everyone has these trials at some point throughout their life but I'm feeling the pressures now.  Most evenings are spent doing paperwork for my portfolio and making preparations for the next day, I know it doesn't sound like much but it is.  Don't get me wrong, I love what I'm doing, but sometimes I'd just love to spent the night curled up in my pajamas knowing there isn't a pile of work to be done.

I want this blog to be an honest representation of me and my life so that's why I'm telling you all this.  Right now I'm not living a glamourous life and I don't have the time to review products or do makeup looks like I wanted to but in the next few months when things calm down for me and I hopefully get a job then I'll be able to have my blog the way I want it to be.  I will always be honest and true to myself no matter what though, regardless of how great or tough my life is at the time.

Thanks for reading and I hope I didn't depress you :P

On a higher note, here's a picture I just took of myself.  Drinking red wine, looking like a scruff with no makeup on.


Monday 20 February 2012


Hey loves,

Going to start this post with something disgusting that happened to me today.  I was eating some almonds, as you do, and I bit into one to find DEAD BUGS AND EGGS!!!!!  How gross is that?  Needless to say I was disgusted and my stomach was completely turned.  I keep cringing at the thought that some of the other almonds I've eaten out of the same packet could be full of the same little creatures. Yuck.  Definitely will be writing a letter of complaint to the company.

But, as the title states, this post is about haircare.  Since November I've been using Hask Argon Oil in my hair after washing and before blow drying.  I've noticed a huge difference in the condition of my hair from using this product, it's much softer, shinier and easier to manage.  The other night I washed my hair and was in such a rush I forgot to use the argon oil but didn't think it'd be a huge deal.  Big mistake, my hair looked so frizzy and dry after blow drying and I didn't get the same finish I usually do.  At least I know it really is working.  The good thing about this product is it doesn't weigh your hair down at all and my hair doesn't feel greasy like after using some serums.  I'm happy to say I'm now a dedicated fan to this miracle potion and will be using it until I find something better.  I buy my argon oil from Penneys and it's about two euro for an 18ml vial of it.  It's absolutely worth buying, I've gone through two vials since November and I have super long and think hair although I do only wash my hair two-three times a week.

Have any of you girls ever tried Hask Argon Oil?  Let me know what you think.

